Discharge testing machine

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  • Discharge testing machine
  • Impulse winding partial discharge testing machine DWX-05PD

With regards to partial discharge test

Impulse winding partial discharge testing machine DWX-05PD

As the use of inverter coil will increase in the future, such as house hold appliances, automotive coil, industrial commodity, the examination of such coils will spread and must be done.

With the spread of inverter coil, the reliability of insulation test is required including partial discharge, such as appliances and automotive products, used for industrial products, motors, transformers, etc., and the coil insulation examination of the motor and the transformer can be done at the same time as examining layer short according to the voltage of the impulse surge. It is an epoch-making test fixture to be able to reduce costs and shorten test time.


  • The PD that takes place within the examination coil is detected by an electromagnetic wave directly
  • Partial electric discharge can only be detected by a rising high frequency signal of a narrowband antenna
  • High sensitive partial electric discharge examination is possible by placing an antenna near an examination coil
  • It is hard to be affected by the examination circuit and can facilitate introduction to product line because the handling is simple
  • The automation of the partial discharge test becomes possible.
  • The PD detection sensor (micro wave sensor module) can be put up as an option and remodel to the impulse winding examination machine (DWX series).
  • The work efficiency improves by a convenient function necessary for evaluating the partial discharge test.Break-down voltage (PDIV), electrical discharge disappearance voltage (PDEV), electrical discharge level (PDpeak), and electric discharge outbreak probability confirmation.
  • It is possible to use it visually, plainly and easily as the shape waves of electrical discharge signal can be displayed.



  • With regards to motorInverter motor・Hybrid car power motor・Various car motors, etc.
  • With regards to TransformerFor LCD TV backlight power supply・Switching power supply transformer for consumer electronic etc.
  • Various coilsIH Coil for cooking heater・Choke coil for inverter power supply high note wave filter etc.



サンプリング・スピード8 bit / 10 nano-sec. (100MHz)


  • 試験インダクタンス範囲
  • サンプリング・スピード
    8 bit / 10 nano-sec. (100MHz)
  • サンプリング・メモリ
  • 印加電圧
  • 試験入力回路