Discharge testing machine

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  • Discharge testing machine
  • Repetitive Impulse Surge Power Supply IPX-05BP-PDIV

With regards to partial discharge test

Repetitive Impulse Surge Power Supply IPX-05BP-PDIV

Power supply that can output repeated impulse voltages from low to high frequencies for the evaluation of surge resistant wires and nanocomposite wires used in EV motors, etc.

A repetitive impulse voltage that simulates an inverter surge can be applied to the target sample continuously for a long time. It covers evaluation tests for capacitive or inductive loads from small to large capacities.


  • 過電流保護回路内蔵 連続運転によるブレイクダウン試験が可能
  • 部分放電センサー(MW-95) 連続運転によるPD試験が可能 (オシロスコープ等モニタが別途必要)



波形イメージ (Peak電圧、Drop電圧の可変例)


Output Voltage Unipolar 0-Peak max 5,000 V positive/minus common
Two polespeak-peak max 10,000 V positive/minus common
Output frequency Repeated output: 1Hz~20KHz
Pulse waveform Rising time without load:100 nsecs. or less
負荷容量 500pF程度 ※ご要望に応じ調整可能
波形パター サージ波形/方形波形/疑似インバータ波形/短形波形(IEC TS-63263に準拠)
試験モード PDIV試験(単発)/VT試験(連続)
  • Output Voltage
    Unipolar0-Peak max 5,000 V positive/minus common
    Two polespeak-peak max 10,000 V positive/minus common
  • Output frequency
    Repeated output: 1Hz~20KHz
  • Pulse waveform
    Rising time without load:100 nsecs. or less
  • 負荷容量
    500pF程度 ※ご要望に応じ調整可能
  • 波形パター
    サージ波形/方形波形/疑似インバータ波形/短形波形(IEC TS-63263に準拠)
  • 試験モード

●Special production of impulse surge power is also available upon upon consultation.