Mechanical products
Discharge plasma pulse power generator
At ECG, for control of air pollution. exhaust gas purification, compounded smoke and dust collection, sterilization equipment, etc., development of the electric discharge plasma pulse power power supply is being tackled.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:
Support for SMEs’ New Business Activities
Research fields:
Development of discharge plasma exhaust gas purification method for pulse power generator
Toyohashi University of Technology / Ecology Engineering , Professor Akira Mizuno
Research-and-development outline
This research and development, jointly developed by the Toyohashi University of Technology Ecology Engineering Akira Mizuno Professor, to generate a high efficiency plasma having versatility in compact, inexpensive, and the research and development of pulse power supply, incorporating the power , removal of such anti-smoke deodorant mist by the gas purification system, exhaust gas treatment of diesel generator, do the application demonstration and evaluation research, such as sterilization and sterilization process by the sterilization equipment.
Environmental clean-up technology using electric discharge plasma
The development of the plasma pulse power supply
Discharge plasma chemical reaction
* And effective radicals (active species) generation
* Induction of a chemical reaction at normal temperature and pressure are achieved
Generated radicals in the plasma
* Ionizing-excitation of the gas molecules by electron, the chemical reaction of the radicals generated contaminated gas molecules such as O and OH
Application to the exhaust gas purification
By incorporating the purification equipment in diesel generator exhaust gas into the discharge plasma pulse power supply, it will be able to particulate matter removal and reduce black smoke, such significant NOx.
Application to sterilization device
By incorporating the purification equipment in diesel generator exhaust gas into the discharge plasma pulse power supply, it will be able to particulate matter removal and reduce black smoke, such significant NOx.